Dan Mall


Dan Mall is a designer from Philadelphia, an enthralled husband and new dad, Founder & Design Director at SuperFriendly. He is the co-founder of Typedia, The Businessology Show, and swfIR. He was formerly Design Director at Big Spaceship, Interactive Director at Happy Cog and a technical editor for A List Apart.

Having worked with clients like Google, Lucasfilm, Microsoft, GE, Wrigley, The Mozilla Foundation, Thomson Reuters, and The Sherwin-Williams Company, he has a passion for playing matchmaker between surprising art direction and intuitive interaction design.

Proper Etiquette for the Advancement of Design

Tuesday, 5th – 9:20

Designing at your desk with Photoshop or HTML and CSS is easy, but getting your bosses and clients to give your work their stamp of approval is often quite a feat. In this presentation, Dan will share some stories of tools, methodologies, and non-traditional deliverables that can help you get the buy-in you need. Follow along to learn how to make everyone you work with say "please" and "thank you!"

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