Demystifying Front-End Security

Full-day workshop • June 25th
Every day, billions of people around the world use the web to work, to find information, and to be entertained. When they come to your site, they trust you to provide them with a good experience. They expect a site that loads quickly, that works in their browser, and that is well designed. And though they may not vocalize it, they certainly expect that experience will be safe: that any information they provide will not be stolen or used in ways they did not expect.
That trust is an important thing, and it’s up to us to make sure it’s justified. But security is an intimidating topic. There are so many different types of attacks, so many different ways that information can be exposed. It can be difficult to wrap our heads around.
In this workshop, we’re going to make front-end security more approachable.
In this workshop, you’ll learn:
- Learn how to conduct, and how to defend against, common attacks.
- See how Content-Security Policies can help protect your users.
- Learn how HTTPS works and how to set it up.
- Explore different tools that can help you start building more secure sites and applications right now, and ensure they stay that way.
Who is it for?
This workshop is for anyone doing front-end development. You don’t need to know a single thing about security: we’ll build from the ground up.
What hardware/software do you need?
To get the most out of the workshop, we recommend you bring a laptop prepared with your favorite text editor and browser.
Time & Location
This full-day workshop will be hosted at the Ivey Tangerine Leadership Centre and will take place before the two days of Smashing Conference. The workshop will be running from 9:30am to 5:30pm on Monday, June 25th.
Schedule for Monday, June 25th
9:00 – Doors open, Registration
9:30 – Introduction & Kick-off
11:00 – Coffee Break
13:00 – Lunch
14:00 – Afternoon Session
15:30 – Coffee Break
17:30 – The End, Networking
Save $100 when signing up for the conference and a workshop!
- On the Web
- On Twitter
- @tkadlec
- Workshop includes
- Snacks and drinks during the whole day
- Tea and coffee
- Lunch
- Paper and pen/pencil