Denys Mishunov


Denys is a fronted developer living and working in Norway. Being 2-in-1: an art school graduate and an engineer, Denys is passionate about psychology, physics, history, drawing. In his day-to-day job he enjoys getting to the heart of the matter of things and processes. Originally on “CSS side” of development, for the last years Denys has been building javascript applications, still breaking CSS, abusing HTML and working with performance optimisations of pretty much all aspects of the fronted toolset at Digital Garden AS ( and

Deconstructing Performance

Tuesday, 13th – 12:05

A web site should be loaded in less than a second; we should reduce the number of server requests; keep your javascript and CSS files merge and compressed under 50 kilobytes.” – these are just a few among technical solutions and recommendations we are getting in the industry to tackle the performance issues. But there is one catch – your users don’t care about kilobytes, milliseconds and number of requests. Performance is not about Mathematics.
Performance is about Perception. Thereby user’s perception of your website’s speed is the only true performance measure.

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