Jason Grigsby


Jason Grigsby is cofounder of Cloud Four, a small web agency in Portland, Oregon. Jason was part of the team that worked on the Obama ‘08 iPhone app, founded Mobile Portland and the first open device lab, and was a signatory to the Future Friendly Web Manifesto. When he was young, Jason whistled at 1,200 baud, was utterly unimpressed when first introduced to Mosaic, and was bit by the mobile bug in 2000, when WAP was crap. Jason coauthored Head First Mobile Web for O’Reilly. He participated in the Responsive Images Community Group and has written numerous articles on how to use responsive images. He is currently obsessed with the potential of progressive web apps.

Why You Should Build A Progressive Web App Now

Tuesday, 4th – 5:30

There’s been a lot of discussion about how to build a progressive web app but not a lot of discussion about why businesses should invest in them. Better user experience, faster performance, more engagement—Jason Grigsby explains why progressive web apps are no-brainers for most websites.

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