Eric Reiss


Eric Reiss has held a wide range of eclectic jobs: piano player (in a house of ill-repute), senior copywriter (in an ad-house of ill-repute), piano repairman, adventure-game creator, and stage director. His experiences have served him admirably as an information architect, although he can’t explain exactly how.

Eric has been actively and successfully involved in service-design projects since 1985. He was part of the team that made Scandinavian Airlines “Airline of the Year” in 1985. And a few years later, he worked with British Airways to accomplished the same thing following their privatization. Later, his service design techniques were used to train over 3500 civil servants throughout the European Community.)

In more mundane lives, Eric has been a two-term president of the Information Architecture Institute and Professor of Usability and Design at IE Business School in Madrid, Spain. Today, Eric is CEO of the FatDUX Group in Copenhagen, Denmark, a leading UX company with offices and associates in over a dozen cities worldwide. He also has several books to his credit.

10 War Stories About Selling Creative Services

Wednesday, 14th – 2:30pm

We’ve all been in these situations at one point or another: A project that once held great promise is getting loused up by incompetent marketing assistants or micromanaging CEOs. Here are 10 of my war stories – no fancy slides, no names, no hype, just the facts. Plus a few words about what I have learned along the way.

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