Joe Leech


Joe is the author of the book Psychology of Designers. A recovering neuroscientist, then a spell as a elementary school teacher, Joe started his UX career 12 years ago. He has worked with organisations like Disney, eBay, Glenfiddich and Marriott.

How to Design with Science without losing the Magic

Wednesday, 14th – 10:00

We've all had that experience, that feeling when we poured our heart and soul into some UX or design work only for it to be not taken seriously, criticised or worse, ignored.

How telling stories, understanding business, talking data & numbers and psychology can all be used together to get good design done. All the time making sure we don't loose that magic inherent in great design.

We'll look at approaches to plan, advocate and explain your ideas and design with confidence to get buy-in from the project team or client to ensure the user experience is the best it can be.

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