Jake Archibald


Jake works in Google Chrome’s developer relations team, working on specs, testing implementations, and ensuring developers have tools to make their jobs less painful. He’s a big fan of time-to-render
optimisations, progressive enhancement, and all of that responsive stuff.

Prior to Google, Jake worked at Lanyrd on their mobile website, and for the BBC working on JavaScript libraries and standards. Outside of the web, he likes the taste of beer, watches Formula One, and likes taking photos of things. He has ambitions to be a fashion designer.

The Gnarly Gotchas Of Page Load Performance

Wednesday, 14th – 4:30pm

If you want to build a high-performance progressive web app, you need to make sure people get your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fast!

In this interactive talk, we'll look into the weird gotchas of the web platform, and learn how to overcome them.

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