Nathan Curtis


Nathan Curtis has been swimming in the deep end of the UX pool since 1996, when he started focusing his creative energies on IA, ID, usability, and front-end development. Nathan authored Modular Web Design and has presented and led daylong workshops for years on the topics of design systems, component and pattern libraries, sketching, and design communications.

He’s also an entrepreneur at heart, having founded EightShapes, a UX design agency headquartered in Washington, DC.

Buttons in Design Systems

Tuesday, 13th – 2:30pm

Buttons are arguably a design system’s most important component. Devilishly simple, they offer a simple label in a defined region you can press. As such, buttons are where you apply a design language’s base attributes in ways that’ll ripple throughout more complex component later.

In this talk, Nathan will cover 12 lessons that he has learned when working on primary buttons, secondary buttons, and a whole host of other button types in an emerging system.

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