Sara Soueidan

Sara is an award-winning freelance front-end Web developer and author from Lebanon. She runs workshops and helps companies and agencies build clean front-end (HTML5, SVG, CSS, JS) foundations for Web sites & applications, with strong focus on progressive enhancement, performance and accessibility.
From Icon Fonts To SVG: Workflow, Tools, Techniques And Everything In Between
Wednesday, 27th – 10:30
Many teams still find themselves struggling to make the switch from icon fonts to SVG. SVG icon systems seem more complex and require a different workflow. But even though some techniques do, there are many options available for creating and embedding SVG icons systems that I'm sure everyone — regardless of their workflow — will find one that works for them. For example, did you know there are 3 different ways to create and embed SVG sprites?
In this talk based on some of the content from my very popular SVG Coffee Cup worksho, I'm going to cover all available SVG spriting techniques and embedding techniques, creating SVG icon systems using all 3 different techniques. You'll learn the pros and cons of each one, so you can make a better informed decision when choosing your way to SVG icon adoption.
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