Sarah Drasner

Sarah is an award-winning Speaker, Sr Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft, and Staff Writer at CSS-Tricks. Sarah is also the co-founder of Web Animation Workshops, with Val Head. She’s the author of SVG Animations from O’Reilly and has given Frontend Masters workshops on Vue.js and Advanced SVG Animations. Sarah is formerly Manager of UX Design & Engineering at Trulia (Zillow). Sarah won CSS Dev Conf’s “Best of the Best Award” as well as “Best Code Wrangler” from CSS Design Awards.
Building an SVG Animation from Start to Finish
Tuesday, 26th – 12:00
In this talk, Sarah will start with only an Illustrator document and by the end, make it move! It's not clear what exactly will move and how- this is something she and the audience will discover together. The talk will be completely unique- the plan will not be set in stone. She'll live-code (warts and all) and you'll see her process as she'll animate an SVG in the time allotted. She'll optimize, work with styles, and create an animation with javascript, and even ask for audience participation at times to decide what happens next. Come watch for a one-time show!
- On the Web
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- @sarah_edo